Monday, November 15, 2010


When I was in rehab, towards the end of the 28 day stay we all had to write "Goodbye" letters to our drug of choice. I decided to write and "Eviction" notice. It was the first thing (besides countless journal entries) that I had written in years. The first bit of creative writing. I must have wrote 15 drafts trying to get this one page letter right. It seems so ridiculous now. I didn't have to turn it in. I wasn't going to fail out of rehab. I did have to read it to a room full of people though, and god forbid if a bunch of drug addicts didn't like my little story:


This is your final eviction notice. Time's up! I've tried to be cordial about it and give you 30 days notice, but enough is enough. You've pushed me too far this time. The last party you threw completely destroyed my place. Oh, and don't think I don't know about the drug use going on. When, I saw the damage to my property I almost had a heart attack. I literally checked myself into the emergency room and had to be monitored all night. But, while I was there I came to the realization that it's time to make some changes to the old place. I'm only going to change one thing, however: Everything. You see, I like this property, so I'm not going anywhere. I've enlisted some "higher-ups" to come tear the place down, preferably with you in it. I'm not even going to look at the plans, I know this team is going to do a great job. The only drawback is that these union workers like to take their time. I've got all the time in the world, though. You, my friend, do not.
So, if I haven't made myself clear...
Get the fuck out!
Thank you,
Your landlord

Even now, while typing that, I wanted to re-word all of it...

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

This was a journal entry I had to write for class. We were discussing what would make up a perfect world for us and who we would let in and keep out. I don't think I really answered the question though.

"The whole topic of a perfect world relates to me very much. However, I don't think I've ever really sat around thinking about the types of people that I would want in a perfect world, but more about how I would fit into that world. I've never really felt like I fit in this world. I'm a recovering alcoholic/addict, so until just over 9 months ago I didn't think about anything, but numbing myself to this world I feel so out of place in. However, I'm learning to enjoy the world for what it is and realize I don't need to fit in. In the meetings that I try to get to when I have a free second, you come across all ages, sex, gender, race, religion, etc... and they are all brought together on one common bond; a defect. (Or several, depending on how you look at it.) The sole purpose of these people coming together is to help one another. There is no money made and no real authority. It's the very definition of altruism, and it's run completely by screw-ups. The outcasts of society are running their own little perfect society.
Do I think that model would make a perfect world? No. Do I want to live there? No. But, I do frequent that part of town to make me a better, more useful member of the world I do live in."

Thursday, November 4, 2010

     After I wrote the first post, someone I had the pleasure of briefly spending time with died.
     His life was cut short, most will say. His wife and child most definitely will say this was too soon. His family will no doubt struggle to find to find an explanation as to why he was taken so young. And, his thousands upon thousands of adoring fans will never get to witness his next great achievement.
     Everyone dies, most never live.
     While this person was only here for a short time, he accomplished more than most ever will. Thousands of people looked up to and idolized him. He had a family, beyond just blood, that loved and adored him. He married and created a child with a woman he loved. He made his mark on this world.
     No matter when or how someone dies there are usually two things that will be said at some point:
"Life's to short."
"They lived a full life."